Sunday, October 23, 2011

San Cristobal to Chimaltenango, Guatemala

22 October 2011. I'm a day late with the blog as last night we had no Wi-Fi.

Left San Cristobal at 08:00 with Carlos and his son Esteban for what I'd describe as a 'fast paced' ride to the border of Guatemala.

I'm doing the paperwork to get the bike out of Mexico and in to Guatemala. The entire process only took about forty-five minutes. Very fast I'm told.

Entering Guatemala you know that you've entered a Third World Country.

Many, many landslides. Dave went down on some slick wet clay where they were still in the process of cleaning up. Bike is fine but his left thumb is probably broken. There are many uses for Duck Tape.

We ran out of daylight so ended up staying at a 'love' motel. We're the only two that spent the night.

It was only a 291 mile day but it's slow going on the twisty two lane roads and the truck traffic. We arrived at 19:30 and it was pitch black.

We broke Rule Number 1, NEVER ride at night in Central America.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:CA 1,San Cristobal,Guatemala

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