Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Panama City to Bogota, Colombia

Today was the big day. Leave Central America and fly to South America, Bogota, Colombia to be exact.

Took a cab from the house to the airport, arriving at 07:40 so that we'd have plenty of time to visit the Aduana Office, clear the bikes from Panama, on paper, and catch our 11:08 Copa flight to BOG.

Well, it just didn't happen that way. After much confusion with customs officials at the passenger side of the airport it was determined we had to go to the Aduana Office at the cargo side of the airport, a five mile cab ride. More confusion and finally we found an official at Girag, Jorge, who spoke English and got everything back on track with the customs folks. Knowing we'd be operating on 'Central America' time before we went over to the cargo side if the airport we rebooked on the 15:38 flight. No extra fee like in the U.S.

Lines, lines and more lines. About 45 minutes to rebook our flight. We got there just before the influx.

Working on E-mail waiting for our flight to BOG.

Flying over the Darien Gap. Couldn't see a thing but there is dense jungle down there and no roads. There are no roads connecting Central and South America.

We arrived in BOG on time and our luggage arrived too.

Much cooler here and not humid. What a relief after Panama. In a couple of days we'll be at a lower altitude and get back to the hot, humid stuff for about ten days. Then it'll really start to cool off and we'll be happy that we have our 'electrics' with us.

Tomorrow we start the process of clearing the bikes from customs. Sara arrives from Reno tomorrow night, Delta Airlines willing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Entrada A La CL26,Bogotá,Colombia

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