Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pasto to Quito, Ecuador

Late start this morning waiting for it to warm up and some time to work on the bikes. Pulled out of the garage at 10:30, got gas, and hit the road at 10:45.

Some blue sky in the direction we're going.

Even better scenery today SD we head to Ecuador.

The exit from Colombia and entry in to Ecuador was as easy as they come. None of the BS of Central America. That's Sara exchanging, getting rid of the Colombia pesos for dollars. They use U. S. Dollars in Ecuador.

Waiting for the guy running the Ecuador Aduana Office to return from lunch.

Had heavy rain after entering Ecuador. Got totally lost in Quito trying to find the Embassy Hotel. Hired a cab!

Got here at 20:30 after 207 miles.

Oil change for the bikes, plus tires tomorrow at the BMW dealer. We'll stay here three nights so that we can do some sightseeing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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