Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another dream shattered

Former Alabama governor hurt in Alaska motorcycle crash
Associated Press
Published: June 27th, 2011 10:50 PM
Last Modified: June 27th, 2011 10:51 PM
MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Former Alabama Gov. Bob Riley has been injured in a motorcycle accident near Fairbanks.

Riley's former chief of staff, Dave Stewart, said it happened Sunday afternoon on a dirt and gravel road near Fairbanks. It was raining, and the former governor "had to lay the motorcycle down" to avoid losing control, Stewart said Monday.

Stewart said Riley was being treated in a Fairbanks hospital for several broken bones and a punctured lung. He said doctors expect Riley to make a full recovery.

Former Alabama first lady Patsy Riley and Riley's son, Birmingham lawyer Rob Riley, were planning to travel to Alaska this week to be with the former governor.

My comment: He was riding his Harley (wrong bike for a gravel road) on the Haul Road, in the rain, with street tires. The bike went down as he lost control by not accelerating when the front tire started squirrel on him. The motorcycle blogs have not been kind to the former governor.

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