Sunday, October 2, 2011

Adelanto to San Marcos, CA

1 October 2011 - Saturday

Took off at 10:00 for Rosemary and Glen Winn's in San Marcos, CA (a city 20 miles north of San Diego). Coming down from Riverside got on to a 14 lane freeway, welcome to California where everyone drives twenty miles an hour over the speed limit.

97 degrees crossing the Mojave and then crossing over the ridge from Tumecula to the San Diego basin it dropped twenty degrees. A perfect day!

116 miles later I was at the Winn's for a weekend visit.

We take off Monday for La Mesa, CA which is about 70 miles south of San Marcos. Tuesday Dave Rankine and I start the trip south.

Hard to see but this is an airplane graveyard in Adelanto with hundreds if not thousands of aircraft.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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