Friday, September 30, 2011

Reno to Adelanto, CA

Sara seeing me off this morning. Photo by Ron Avery our next-door neighbor.

Sara saw me off at 09:15 today. Starting mileage on the Beemer: 19,326. A perfect blue sky day in Reno, 60 degrees.

Topaz Lake at the Nevada - California border on US#395.

From Lee Vining to Owens Valley there were threatening clouds hanging along the Sierra Nevada. Hit a couple of late afternoon rain squalls but didn't put on rain gear as there was very little traffic and I was able to keep moving. For my non-motorcycling friends, as long as I can keep moving the windscreen directs the rain over me. The problem is stopping for a red light.

Stopped at Eric Schacts Bakery in Bishop for a late lunch then on to Adelanto, CA arriving at 17:50. I'm staying at a Days Inn, nothing fancy but it's clean. Had dinner at a Thai Restaurant about a block away. More than I could eat and only $7 cash.

Tomorrow, Saturday, 1 October, it's on the San Marcos, CA where we'll stay with Rosemary and Glen Winn. Glen's a USSS friend from 1969 when we worked together at San Clemente chasing folks that wanted to harm President Nixon.

Sara has an ADK meeting to attend in Reno Saturday morning so will fly to San Diego to meet us for dinner.

Saturday and Sunday we'll be visiting Rosemary and Glen. Monday I'll ride to La Mesa to meet up with Dave Rankine who will arrive from Reno having departed on Sunday.

The 'real' trip starts Tuesday, 4 October when we cross into Mexico at Tecate.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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