Tuesday, October 4, 2011

La Mesa to El Rosario, B.C.

Took off this morning at 08:40 and made it to Tecate at 09:45. Filled the gas tanks in the U.S. then ride in to Mexico and did the paperwork, paid the fees etc. and headed to Ensenada. Stopped there for lunch at noon. A big Mac at McDonalds no less.

Getting gas at the border.

The border at Tecate.

Heading in to Tecate.

A road typical of Baja.

Saw the remains of two 18 wheelers that did a head-on crash. Junk all over the road but the bodies had been removed. They don't believe in staying on their side of the double yellow lines in Mexico and pass on blind corners.

We ended an hour short of our planned destination but will make it up tomorrow.

Tonight we're in El Rosario, B.C. Basically a wide spot it the road. Nice motel with Wi-Fi and a restaurant.

It's great to be on the road.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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