Wednesday, October 5, 2011

El Rosario to Santa Rosalia, B.C.

Left this today at 08:45 after getting gas at Pemex, the state owned filling stations, and only source of gas. They fill the tank.

Miles and miles of desert and 210 miles between gas stations. And in Nevada they make a big deal over Highway 50.

Lunch at stop at Guerrero Negro at a sidewalk cafe. Great meal of abalone.

Many military checkpoints. They just wave motorcycles through.

Crossing the last ridge of mountains before reaching the Sea of Cortez.

The view from our balcony at the Las Casitas Motel. 75 degrees.

We got to Santa Rosalia at 17:00 with a 361 mile day. High in the desert if 83 but as they say, it's a dry heat.

On to La Paz tomorrow, Thursday, a 345 mile day.

PS/Snow last night in the Sierra Nevada west of Reno.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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