Thursday, October 6, 2011

Santa Rosalia to La Paz, B.C.S.

Crossed back to Mountain Time yesterday. Set the alarm for 06:00 to get an early start this morning. Pitch dark. Pushed back our departure to 08:05

Sunrise at 06:00 Mountain Time.

Stopped for breakfast at the Hotel Serenidad in Mulege. This is where we stayed four years ago riding down with Gary Smith and the gang. Nice little airstrip next to motel.

Miles and miles of road along the coastline of the Sea of Cortez.

Then some twisties that took my breath away. Narrow road with no where to stop for a photo. Many shrines along the side of the mountain and a lot of wrecks at the bottom of the canyon. They just leave them.

Yet another military checkpoint. This soldier gave Dave a going over.

Coming in to town they have topees to slow folks down. They are really high and will tske out the bottom of a car.

We arrived at the Hotel La Casa Jalisco at 16:00 for a 344 mile day. 99 degrees coming in to La Paz. Was able to find the hotel with the help of the GPS. Couldn't find the exact address but could see the street.

Bikes locked in the courtyard if our motel. That's our room above the bikes.

Tomorrow morning we have to find the office where we buy our ferry tickets, it's not at the docks I'm told. Part of the adventure, driving in cities where the signage isn't the greatest and folks are in a hurry.

I told Sara about this dog and she thought I should post it. Where we stopped for lunch yesterday they had a dog that lived at the restaurant. He would be in the position shown and when a fly would get within range he was fast enough to grab it. A dogs life in Mexico. I probably should have shot it and put it on U-Tube.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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