Friday, October 28, 2011

Liberia to Quepos, CR

Today we departed at 08:35 and headed south, of course, on the PanAmerican Highway.

Leaving town we had our first tropical downpour. The problem is that it's 87 degrees and 110% humidity. Put in rain gear and you get wet from sweating. Leave off the rain gear and get soaked from the rain. You're wet whatever you do.

We're in monkey country now.

At Las Canas we made a side trip to the east to see the volcano at Lake Arenal.

Dave and I got separated in Las Canas looking for the bank. To make a long story short, we missed each other and both headed to the volcano.

I liked the monkey warning signs, then I came upon this.

Along the way to Lake Arenal there were signs advertising a German Bakery at near San Luis. Looked like a nice place and the from across the lake I could see that the volcano was socked in, thus an apple turnover was the answer. After lunch and a ninety minute wait, and no Dave, I figured he'd probably continued around the lake and over to San Jose. So, with the volcano still socked in I backtracked to Highway 1 and continued on to Quepos, CR, along #34, the coastal highway.

The volcano is somewhere in those clouds.

The pot holes are everywhere. The problem us you never know how deep they are until you hit one and can't believe you haven't broken a wheel.

Today was a 220 mile day with a lot of sitting around waiting. I got to Quepos at 18:15 and Dave ended up over by San Jose.

I'm back in the original itinerary with being in Quepos, but I'm three days ahead of schedule. For planning purposes the various mapping programs are pretty accurate with their driving times, at least for Mexico and Central America. The wild card remains the Central America border crossings. Mexico us no problem at all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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