Friday, October 28, 2011

Esteli to Liberia, Costa Rica

27 October 2011

Two days late with blog as not enough band width at BW Hotel in Liberia.

Met these guys from Las Vegas crossing the border from Nicaragua in to Costs Rica. As crossing go in Central America it was a straight forward process, but due to lines at every station a 3.5 hour process.

Saw these neat volcanos heDing in to Costa Rica.

Ended our day at the Best Western Motel in Liberia, CR. 262 miles. Left at 07:45 and ended at 18:00.

We keep saying that we won't ride after dark but with the unpredictable times at border crossings there isn't always a city with a motel close by.

Some chicken soup at the end of the day with the hope it'll help my cold.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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