Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oaxaca to Sto. Domingo Tehuantepec

The plan was to ride to Juchitan, a 170 mile day, so we left at 09:30.

A lot of great twisties but some major pot holes to watch out for.

Crosses and shrines on all the blind corners. Double yellow lines mean nothing to some Mexican drivers.

She's making my lunch.

Enjoying a cheese tortia and a Coke along the highway. Dave passed. Cost, 37 pesos ($2.75 U.S.). Hey, it's dinner time and I haven't gotten sick yet. And if I do that's why we carry Cipro.

Couldn't find a hotel in Juchitan, due to a festival, so backtracked 26 miles to Sto. Domingo Tehuantepec and found the Hotel Donaji Del Istmo. Secure parking, AC and Wi-Fi too.

The door on the right leads to a secure courtyard where we parked the bikes.

Wasted two hours finding a hotel plus an extra 40 miles, the 26 backtracking and the remainder looking around for a hotel room in Juchitan.

Left Oaxaca this morning and it was a cool 68 degrees, came over the mountains to a very humid 87.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Juana C. Romero,Tehuantepec,Mexico

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