Saturday, October 29, 2011

Quepos, Costa Rica

Today's events require a second blog entry.

As I came back to the hotel from getting a haircut I had to walk through a crowd in front of the hotel. A drunk behind me on my left pushed me and mumbled something. I pushed back and made my way through the crowd and went to my room and worked for awhile. I then went to
a coffee shop a block down from the hotel and enjoyed a cup and used their Wi-Fi. When I went to pay I realized that my wallet was gone. It was then clear to me what the 'drunk' had been up to. The other guy got me from my right side, unzipped my pocket and got my wallet.

The good news is that my Passport was in another pocket and my stash if money was stashed in multiple locations.

The terrible news is that I now have no drivers license which I've needed at every border crossing. I do have a color copy of my NV drivers license and a copy of my report to the National Police re: the pickpocketing. Hopefully the Costa Rican border bureaucrats will take pity on me after what happened in their fine country. And then there will be the Panama folks to deal with.

I Keep telling myself it's all part of the adventure.

A positive footnote, the owner of the coffee shop, an American gal that has lived here for twenty years jumped right in and drive me to the police station to file a report. While there I was asked to look at about fifty mug shots of guys arrested for pickpocketing. That says something about Quepos. (I didn't see a photo of 'the drunk. However, last night when I parked the bike in front of the hotel to check in he was hanging around. Apparently he didn't find the opportunity to strike. Sad commentary.

I guess those silly pouches folks hang around their necks, inside their shirts aren't really so silly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:34,,Costa Rica

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