Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Santa Ana to San Salvador

Today was a short day, about 36 miles, plus a lunch ride once we got to San Salvador.

Ricardo Olivares from the BMW Moto Club of El Salvador met us just outside of San Salvador and lead us to our motel, the Comfort Inn. Believe me, we never would have found it.

Typical gated compound.

We gotten far enough south that they spray for mosquitoes.

I have some gear that needed patching and darned if there isn't a tailor shop just outside the gate. Fixed two trousers, a storage bag and my Air Hawk seat cover, while I waited. $7. The dollar is the El Salvador currency.

Lunch ride to Las Brumas. Ricardo knows the owner whi is a BMW rider. We could see the ocean in the distance.

Me, the owner and Ricardo after lunch at Las Brumas.

Tomorrow we'll be off early for Honduras. If things go well at the border we may try to cross in to Nicaragua as well. All depends on the bureaucrats.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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