Sunday, October 16, 2011

Toluca to Puebla

Today the goal was to avoid Mexico City, actually that's why we went to Toluca yesterday. Left at 08:15 and swung to the south and cut over the mountains.

Stopped at a bank ATM on the way out of Toluca, Dave needed some cash.

Got nailed by two local cops in a small village for making an illegal turn. We did. It was a ripoff but we took our time and worked it down from $75 each to $35 each. Not 'good' cops.

Taking local roads to cut south of Mexico City put us through many, many little villages. Too many Topees, giant speed bumps. Plus too many local cops. The bright side could have been the spectacular twisties but there were 'bike killer' pot holes.

Stopped along the way at a Walmart to Dave could buy another camera. His gave up a couple of days ago. There are Walmarts everywhere in Mexico.

Coming off the mountain down in to Pubela, Mexico. At this point we're back on a Toll Road.

Staying tonight at a 'City Express' hotel. A lot like a Holiday Inn Express. 1,000 pesos ($75 US) but well located and true hi-speed Internet. Need to do some research on the road and bridge conditions in Guatemala.

Today was a 175 mile day, slow going but interesting little villages. Too bad we met our first bad cops.

We arrived here at 16:00

It's only about 236 miles to Oaxaca tomorrow and we'll take a full day for sightseeing. Also want to give them time to sort thing out in Guatemala.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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