Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nazca, Peru

Last night something hit me like a freight train, fever of 101.8 and the worst headache I've ever had - and I don't get headaches. I've had the flu shot so I guess it's not the flu, atlases the major one. Hopefully it's not Denge Fever. Kept me up all night. No fever this morning but too weak to ride.

I'm taking a day of rest in Nazca with the hope I'll feel stronger tomorrow. Dave and Sara are working out a new route while I snooze.

Dave took off for Cuzco this morning but the road up the mountain was overrun with truck convoys and they take up both lanes on the corners because they're so long. I was nearly run of the road and over a cliff climbing up to Durango, Mexico when I met one of these guys. Held to the white line on the edge of my lane and missed the truck Nya foot or less. And he had the nerve to hit his air horn at me.

So, the plan changes, we'll skip the high country (Cuzco and La Paz) and continue down the coastal highway, the PanAmerican, to Chile.

The next challenge is to get tires for my bike. The 17 inch rear tire is an odd size in this part of the world and I don't have enough tread to make it to Santiago.

The Adventure continues.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:La Cultura,Nazca,Peru

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