Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nazca to Arequipa, Peru

Weak but able to get back on the road. Felt stronger as the day progressed.

Departed at 08:30 and ran in to Jerry, a rider we met at Panama Passage. Small world.

I keep saying it but the ride down the coast was spectacular. Doesn't get any better and Sara is doing great on the twistees.

The road is cut out of the side of the mountain.

Thanksgiving dinner at the Zig Zag Cafe in Arequipa. No turkey here, Sara had salmon and I had rack of lamb. Both very good.

Dave tried a serving of three meats, pork, beef and alpaca. We all tried the alpaca but the pork was the favorite.

To make it feel like Thanksgiving I had apple pie for dessert. Good also.

Walked around the town square then back up the hill to our hotel, the Hotel La Gruda. Lars owns the hotel and a local motorcycle shop so Dave will get a new front tire tomorrow. They don't carry a 17 inch tire, my rear tire, so will have to try to find one further down the road. Hopefully in Peru as the price really goes up in Chile.

Got here at 17:30 after a 357 mile day. Some of the best riding I've ever experienced.

Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Traveling through this part of the world really makes one appreciate what we have.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:La Gruta,,Peru

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