Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Durango to Zacatecas

12 October 2011

Here we are in Zacatecas which means we've come 2,226 miles thus far.

We departed the morning at 08:45 with a 184 miles to travel today. 59 degrees. Very cold for this time of the year in Durango.

As we headed south there was a build up of clouds and eventually a light drizzle. Nothing like the all day rain in Alaska.

Crossing the Tropico De Cancer

Miles and miles of flowers along the highway. For the most part the highways are the same as they are in the U.S.

We'll be checking on the weather for the ride tomorrow to Guadalajara, 224 miles. If there's too much rain we may just stay here another day. A decision to be made Thursday morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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