Thursday, October 13, 2011

Zacatecas to Guadalajara

Giving the rain a chance to pass through Guadalajara we didn't leave Zacatecas until 09:45. Put on our rain gear to stay warm and to be ready for rain just in case.

Stopped for gas about 75 miles south of Zacatecas on Mex. 54. This is a photo taken from the Pemex Station to the highway showing what's coming.

Many places like this along the highway to eat.

Our luck didn't hold. As we rode the twisties over the mountain range leading to Guadalajara we got up in the clouds, then heavy fog, then for the last 80 miles or so heavy rain. Made it safely to Guadalajara but can't say it was fun.

Waiting to check in to our hotel and park the bikes in the garage.

A lot of standing water in the streets.

The view from our room. Very heavy traffic and a lot of horn honking. Reminds me of NYC.

It was 198 miles of fun today, including the last six or so through heavy, bumper-to-bumper, stop and go traffic. Wasn't sure my clutch hand would hold out but it did.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Independencia Norte,Guadalajara,Mexico

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