Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Forgot to bring the charger for my Olympus 'Tough' camera and the battery finally gave up. Of course it's a proprietary plug. Even in the States the Best Buy outfits sell the cameras but not the chargers as they come with the camera. A lesson there.

Stopped by Radio Shack in Mazatlan and even they couldn't help me. Thus we didn't hit the road to Durango until 10:30, our latest start yet but we only had 183 miles to go.

A Mexican cemetery out in the country before we got in to the twisties, about 100 miles of them. We'll engineered for the Beemers but not for the 18 wheelers. And the folks back East thing the 11 mile Dragon us a big deal.

There was no place to pull over on the narrow two lane road so after passing a truck climbing St about 5 MPH I got some distance on him and stopped in the road and took the above photo from the GS. It doesn't do justice believe me. Also for most of the day there was a light drizzle not enough for rain gear ad we were able to keep moving.

The entrance to our hotel courtyard in Durango.

Now the bad news. Although Dave and I have been eating the same meals in the same restaurants I've come down with the crud. Terrible stomach cramps but that's about it so far. Started taking sone of the stuff Dr. Ray Swarts prescribed. Keeping my fingers crossed. The joy of trying to stay well in a Third World Country.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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