Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quito to Cuenca, Ecuador

After two days and three nights in Quito it was good to be back on the move. Departed at 07:45.

With Sara's fine navigating we made it out of Quito without getting lost. She also got us to within a mile of our hotel in Cuenca.

Stopping along the PanAmerican Highway in Ecuador to view another volcano.

A typical view on today's ride. Not only scenic but great twistees and a good road surface.

Sara manages to eat 'healthy' where ever she is.

Guinea Pig at a sidewalk cafe in Cuenca.

The door to our room at the Cuenca Hotel, in the heart if the city.

We got here at 16:15 and ride 248 miles. With the twistees it's difficult to average 40mph.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Presidente Borrero,Cuenca,Ecuador

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