Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cuenca to Catamayo, Ecuador

A lazy day today leaving Cuenca about 08:45. 68 degrees at about 9,300 feet and then dropping to 49 as we crossed a pass at 10,400 feet.

Volcanic activity all along the route today.

Last night it was Guinea Pig today the real thing at a roadside cafe at one of the passes.

We were going to stay at Loja but there were no hotel rooms available due to a concert by Marco Antonia Solis. Not a clue who the guy is. So, we confined on to Catamayo which is over the next pass.

Put in 165 miles and got here about 15:30.

Tomorrow it's off to Peru.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Pan American Hwy,Catamayo,Ecuador

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