Saturday, November 26, 2011

Arequipa to Tacna, Peru

Back on the road today at 08:15.

Dave ready to roll.

Typical of the many valleys we crossed today.

We stopped for gas and a drink at Moquegua, Peru and Jerry Trapeszo, our friend from Panama Passage, showed up. He'd been to Arica, Chile and planned to ride up La Paz. Locals advised the road was in terrible condition due to rsin and should not be attempted on a moto. That is the route we'd planned to take from La Paz to Arica. Someone was looking out for us.

They use sandbags to help keep the road clear of sand. They also plow the sand off the highway.

We got to Tacna, Peru at 13:45. Couldn't find the hostal and asked a couple walking in the town square for directions. They said DON'T stay at 'that place' so we rode through town and found the El Meson Hotel.

Bikes locked in the hotel garage and we're settled at 14:00.
It was a pleasant 231 mile day. Windy but we're getting use to it.

Tomorrow it's off to Chile.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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