Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boquete, Panama

Here it is 1 November. I've been on the road a month and covered 5,274 miles including side trips. So, in about 7,061 miles I'll have reached Ushuaia, Argentina.

We're taking yet another rest day so before walking downtown I enjoyed a cup of coffee on our balcony.

Ran in to these kids on their way to school.

Then in to the Middle School Band at practice in front of the school.

View from golf club resort, next to our hotel, where we had a great breakfast.

The oatmeal was the best. The coffee with hot milk is slso a nice touch.

We rode out of town looking for the volcano. 7 miles of very narrow mountain roads, about a lane and a half by our standards, and of course the volcano was totally in the clouds. It was another 14K to the actually volcano but we decided it wasn't worth the risk and the road wasn't fun at all.

Came back to town and stopped at a cafe for coffee. The same cafe we stopped at yesterday trying to find our hotel. Nice people.

The afternoon clouds are forming.

When I say it's pouring it doesn't describe how the rain comes down. It cones in buckets. It would be impossible to motorcycle in such a downpour.

We're safely in our hotel. This evening we'll go out for dinner with Dan Porter. The menu is Italian.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Camino Valle Escondido,Boquete,Panama

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