Saturday, November 5, 2011

Panama City, Panama

Ventured out on the bike today and rode to the McDonalds for breakfast.

I then attempted to find the road leading to the top of the hill behind where we're staying. Got hopelessly lost in the tangle town and one-way streets. Was pulled over by two Panama National Police. We have not had good luck with law enforcement folks in this part of the world so I thought 'Here we go again, and I'm alone'.

They didn't speak English but wanted to know what I was doing. I took out my camera and pointed at the top of the hill. They smiled, got back in their car and motioned for me to follow them. I got a police escort, down a one/way street and then to the road that goes to the top. It's one lane wide, steep and twisty. They didn't want to drive up but motioned me on. I stopped and tried to take their picture. It was a big NO! We shook hands and I continued up the mountain.

A view of Panama City.

The Bridge of the Americas, looking to the Pacific.

The Panama Canal looking toward the Atlantic.

We're in malaria country so I take my Mefloquine every Sunday.

Went to the Albrook Mall for dinner last night. They have every fast food chain known to man. Saw the Johnny Rockets and had to have the hamburger.
McDonalds and KFC seem to be the favorite for the locals.

It's 13:45 on Saturday. A little early for the afternoon downpour but I can hear the thunder. It won't be long and down it'll come, by the bucket.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Ancon Rd,Panama,Panama

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